Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blog #4

     In If He Hollers Let Him Go, motivation and anagnorisis is seen where Bob is locked in the closet with Madge. I believe Madge’s motive for locking her and Bob in the closet and screaming rape was because she felt denied by Bob and acted with revenge. Bob says “look, baby, I don’t want you. I don’t want no part of you, that’s final.’ And I mean it” (Himes, 179). When Bob said that, it triggered something in Madge and she just hissed “you’re a liar” (Himes, 179). When a worker discovered that there was someone locked in the closet, Madge thought it was the perfect opportunity to get Bob into trouble and screams out “Help! Help! My God, help me! Some white man, help me! I’m being raped” (Himes, 180) and “ Stop, nigger! Don’t nigger! Nigger, don’t! Oh, please don’t kill me, nigger....” (Himes, 180). 
While Madge is creating a “rape” scene,  Bob doesn’t even know what to say or think. Bob thinks to himself “But my mind could not rationalize it, could get no sense out if it. I could see and hear but could not move” (Himes, 180). Anagnorisis isn’t seen until after Bob unlocks the closet door and is beaten badly by the white male workers. Bob wakes un in the hospital with the guard next to him. Bob thinks to himself “I didn’t get scared right away; I’d been thinking so hard about what was going to happen to her when the people knew the truth” (Himes. 187) And then Bob gets the harsh realization and then says to himself “I knew in one great flash she really could send me to the pen for thirty years. I knew there was no way in the world I could prove I hadn’t tried to rape her” (Himes, 187). After realizing this, the only thing he could think of was to escape. 

1 comment:

  1. In If He Hollers Let Him Go, motivation and anagnorisis: is seen where Bob is locked in the closet with Madge. I believe (This could mean that you not sure?) Madge’s motive for locking her and Bob in the closet and screaming rape was because she felt denied by Bob and acted with revenge. (Where is the evidence to support her motives / anyway what her motives?). Bob says “look, baby, I don’t want you. I don’t want no part of you, that’s final.’ And I mean it” (Himes, 179). (MLA)) When Bob said that, it triggered something in Madge and she just hissed “you’re a liar” (Himes, 179). (MLA)) When a worker( is not the protagonist) discovered that there was someone locked in the closet, Madge thought it was the perfect opportunity to get Bob into trouble and screams out “Help! Help! My God, help me! Some white man, help me! I’m being raped” (Himes, 180) and “Stop, nigger! Don’t nigger! Nigger, don’t! Oh, please don’t kill me, nigger....” (Himes, 180).

    While Madge is creating a “rape” scene, Bob doesn’t even know what to say or think. Bob thinks to himself (?) “But my mind could not rationalize it, could get no sense out if it. I could see and hear but could not move” (Himes, 180). (Anagnorisis: the point in the plot especially of tragedy at which the protagonist recognizes his or her characters true identity or discovers the true nature of his or her own situations.) (See page 151 an example) Anagnorisis isn’t seen until after Bob unlocks the closet door and is beaten badly by the white male workers. Bob wakes un (?) in the hospital with the guard next to him. Bob thinks to himself “I didn’t get scared right away; I’d been thinking so hard about what was going to happen to her when the people knew the truth” (Himes. 187).(!) And then Bob gets the harsh realization and then says to himself “I knew in one great flash she really could send me to the pen for thirty years. I knew there was no way in the world I could prove I hadn’t tried to rape her” (Himes, 187). After realizing this, the only thing he could think of was to escape. (MLA)
    Good job, “Everything you can imagine is real” Pablo Picasso I think you need to work a little more in your ideas and read passages, or given a coherent an explanation. Hit the point of the plot. (MLA) and some Grammar errors!
